Empowering Dreamers: A Day of Resources, Advocacy, and Community

On January 18, the Latino Action Network Foundation, in partnership with Kean University’s CRECE: Hispanic Leadership Center, hosted the first-ever Statewide Dreamers Conference & Resource Fair at Kean University. This landmark event brought together Dreamers, advocates, and community leaders to provide critical resources and guidance for undocumented immigrants facing growing challenges.
The day began with welcoming remarks from key figures, including New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin, who delivered a powerful keynote speech reaffirming the state’s commitment to protecting immigrant communities. Attendees had access to workshops on Know Your Rights topics, covering legal protections, healthcare access, education opportunities, and workers' rights.
Beyond workshops, the event fostered networking and community-building, allowing attendees to connect with local organizations offering ongoing support. With the threats to immigrant rights under the incoming federal administration, this conference served as an urgent call to action and a reminder of the strength found in unity and advocacy.
For those who could not attend, we’ve compiled important resources shared during the event.
Know Your Rights Webinar, February 3rd, 10:00 AM (Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, Make the Road NJ, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, ACLU NJ, and Resistencia en Acción): https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_p3RTVLh7TsehMnMTrDHz3Q#/registration
About the Immigrant Trust Act: https://www.njimmigrantjustice.org/imm_trust_act
About the Law Against Discrimination (LAD):
Make The Road NJ - Know Your Rights/ Conoce tus Derechos: https://maketheroadnj.org/know-your-rights-conoce-tus-derechos/
MCOHA Know Your Rights/Conozca Sus Derechos: https://www.mcoha.org/center-for-citizenship-and-legal-im
LALDEF Know Your Rights (English and Spanish) Friday January 31st at 6 PM: https://www.facebook.com/laldefcasabienvenida/
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Know Your Rights Guide: https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/issues/health-care-equity/know-your-rights-guide
NJ HESAA Alternative Financial Aid for Dreamers: https://www.hesaa.org/Pages/NJAlternativeApplication.aspx
ACLU NJ - What To Do If You’re Approached by Immigration Officials in New Jersey: https://www.aclu-nj.org/en/know-your-rights/what-do-if-youre-approached-immigration-officials-new-jersey
